A day at the museum

It wasn't your ordinary day at the museum! This time, I got to run around after a nearly-three-year-old boy with my camera. Usually, I just chase my own three-year-old boy and inevitably forget to bring the camera. Enjoy!

Christmas cheer

I did some sweet holiday photos for the Ross family recently. The goal: a festive holiday card including their whole family. I love the result. A big thanks to the Ross family for trusting me with their holiday message this year. It was very fun to get to do the whole project, right down to designing the card!

Front of the holiday card.

Back of the card.

Welcome to my new site!

Thank you for visiting my new portfolio site and blog! I'm quite excited to have a snazzy new place to share my photos on the web.

With a background in coordinating websites, I had high ambitions to build a slick, fun website all by myself. That was taking a while (and getting in the way of precious camera time!). I discovered there are plenty of really cool tools and services available that are so much quicker. So, here I am, probably a year earlier than I would have been if I did it all by myself. Hooray!

Stay tuned to this blog page for updates from me and to check out the photos I'm taking!