Returning to "work"

I'm back. If you happened to notice I went missing for a while there, you are hopefully happy to see me posting again. I had a baby while I was gone! I took a little more time "off" than I had planned because the little one tried to come too early so I had to take it easy a bit, but we made it and sweet little Katy arrived at the end of October. I didn't manage as many newborn photos as I should have (I was too busy basking in the snuggles), but here's a shot I grabbed once she was about five months old.

She's not always so pensive. But she is always that sweet.

She's not always so pensive. But she is always that sweet.

I'm still basking in the baby cuddles quite a bit, but if you'd like to hire me, please contact me and I'll see if I can talk Katy into letting me get out for a little while. Spring is here, after all, and it's a great time for outdoor photos! I do love outdoor photos.