Photos make me smile

I took this photo yesterday and I keep looking at it. It makes me smile every time. I browse a lot of photography. Sometimes I see photography that feels so staged and so forced to me that I wonder what motivates people to have professional photos taken. Which is an odd thought for a photographer to have, I know, but it all comes back to why I started a business taking photos of people. And it became even more clear to me with this photo. It's not because I want to recreate the most popular Pinterest photo. Or get you the most "likes" on Facebook. It's because I love taking photos. I love meeting people. And I love this photo I took yesterday that makes me smile. So if I can create an image for you that makes you smile, that makes you think, "yup, that's the wonderful little child of mine that I love so much" like this one does for me, that will make me smile, too.

My daughter, who makes me smile.

My daughter, who makes me smile.